People's habit of affectionately – the diminutive name car manufacturers have noticed long ago. In Soviet times, when all the "liberties" were not honored, the official factory-alpha – numeric designation of a model is fast becoming a well-known "penny", "Six" and "nine". And further to popular rumor, they have to – another, and not perceived. This is true and cars, and trucks. For example, in different years, trucks and dump trucks Zil 130, to which the large family car, officially Offered in a variety of acronyms, such as the ZIL-MMZ 555 or ZIL-4314, but the people they are still referred to as stotridtsatymi – which has already become a household name With the advent of market economy, consumer psychology has to have a greater value for producers. Following Gorky Gazelle, released a family of plant zil medium-duty trucks with a similar meaning to the title – "Bull". Machine immediately began to enjoy good demand in the Russian market, and the name had to be buyers, too, for the soul. Sales of trucks, delivery van and machinery on this chassis has allowed the plant to find its niche in this market segment. In fairness it should be noted that even in Soviet times ZILovskie designers worked to create a truck in the vysokosorostnogo the chassis of the government limousines. The car was very unusual not only for its technical characteristics, but also externally. For the original look of an experimental model called the creators of "". But, unfortunately, to the production of it then never came New models of the plant zil advance guided by vivid imagery titles that should appeal to buyers. Family of "Centaur" and "tapir" have already been presented as a promising development of the plant at several auto shows in 2007-2008. I wonder how will align marketing strategy of the plant in light of the agreements disclosed zil with Chinese partners. Howo dump trucks and other models of heavy equipment on the Chinese plan to collect a license to ZILovskih powers. Perhaps, then, in a model line of the plant appear more glamorous name, given China's already culture and mentality?
Fall, of course, a beautiful time of year, that's just a pity that it comes with depression, colds and … haunting desire to eat something tasty and plenty. Ginger – a kind of panacea for the above afflictions. Try to introduce into your diet this spice at least one month, and the result will surprise you. First you need to buy a ginger root or ginger powder (it is sold at stores in regions of spices). Here's how to use it – we will tell. Residents of a favorite delicacy of Chinese love China candied ginger. And not only in the unusual taste of this delicacy. In their view, it lifts the mood better than chocolate. Council. Peel and slice slices ginger root, place in pan with cold water zaley. Boil 30 minutes, until tender. Slay the water, sugar, ginger, grist and sprinkle with water. Then add a jar, cover and refrigerate. If you feel that the simple Autumn – period of exacerbation of acute respiratory disease. Here are some ways to help protect the body from using ginger root .. Cut a small amount of ginger (about half a centimeter) and the peel, put in your mouth. Piece of ginger to suck up until tingling sensation does not disappear. TIP When the effect of essential oils will decrease slightly ginger bite. Bars extend its therapeutic effect. The first symptoms of colds accept ginger bath. 2.3 table spoons of the powder in 1 liter boil water for 10 minutes, then pour the broth into the bath. Treatment time – 15-20 minutes. TIP: After the bath, do not take a shower. Wrapped in a bathrobe or a towel – and immediately under the covers! And if you advance to make tea with honey and lime drink after him bath – then the next day you will feel just fine. Ginger – beautiful immunomodulator. 1 tsp. spoon of ginger juice with a co-pour, taken before meals, help get rid of a sore throat. TIP: Fresh ginger keep in the refrigerator, put it first into the container. Cellophane for these purposes is not recommended. Ginger Jam is recommended for colds, coughs and indigestion. Jam can be prepared at home. TIP: In a 250 ml kindle water 0.5 cups sugar, 1 table spoon of ginger juice and boil until thick syrup. Then add a pinch of grated nutmeg and saffron. Read women's magazine.
was performed this morning the group Dominica draw for the first phase of previews Beijing Olympic Games America’s source in the discipline of Basketball where Argentina will defend the for movie information gold medal achieved in Athens 2004. The team coached by Sergio Hernandez will share the Group A with Iran, Lithuania, Russia, Australia and the winner of the pre-Olympic Greece. This draw was held in China which was attended by Horacio Muratore, President of CABB. Spent three teams from each group and the chance tickets. to Lithuania and Russia in the same showtimes group Visit Movie are more limited but still have to wait as they are giving the games. It will debut Aug. 10 against Lithuania. The Group B integrate China, Angola, Spain, USA, 2 classified Preolimpico of Greece and 3 classified Preolimpico Greece.
Marina market offers a varied program during the summer holidays of pleasure on a beautiful market stroll in Duisburg’s inner harbour? Shopping for fresh goods, serves on numerous food stands, browse in the costs incurred by the craftsman, a glass of wine, a beer or enjoy a latte macchiato and look s water? Then nothing as to the Corputiusplatz, where the FrischeKontor Duisburg GmbH to the Marina market invites. On Sunday, August 14, 2011, many market people interested in Duisburg and the surrounding area in the inner harbour beckon from 11:00 to 18:00 70 provider again. Under the motto of fresh, beautiful, delicious”Arts and crafts, international cuisine and weekly market will be a guarantee for a successful day. The FrischeKontor, the organizer of the Marina market and the 60 markets in Duisburg, is looking forward to many visitors and visitors. The Marina market in the 10th anniversary year a feast for the whole family. Forward! Get information about the Marina market, to or on Facebook Duisburger.Wochenmaerkte. Call us on 0203 429490. More Marina market dates 2011: September 11, October 9
Interactive, innovative, sustainable customer delight and surprisingly getting around! The importance and the value of professional and above all interactive customer relationship management within the marketing process to rise significantly and today belong to the strategic success factors in a company. It comes today mainly to meet the customers even better and to seek dialogue with the customer and to apply it not only with all the known measures. Interactivity with existing customers, helps kennenzulernen customer needs better and contributes much to the customer loyalty, as well as quality improvement to the product and service development. There are countless opportunities to show customers appreciation. Whether as Dankeschon, Sorry, or to keep the contact with the customer. It is important that through the interaction with the customer a dialog zustande comes. Exactly here is the unique and interactive communication solution around customer gifts from Novadoo. With the timely and innovative solution companies can flexible manner now improve the quality of its relationship management, interactively communicate with the customer and at the same time reduce the administrative burden as well as the opportunities costs. Well-known listed Unternehmungen use this kind of customer relationship management and interaction with customers already successfully as follows: simple customer gifts (birthday, anniversary, Christmas, etc.) Contracts renewals complaint management customer service address verification customer acquisition, events / customer events customer surveys / market research it is the little things, the big lead to innovative, interactive and give sustainable, cost – and time-saving, and with a gift process which allows the customer to auszusuChen his personal gift to itself, is the start to interact with the customer. It is not about to surprise him, but with an appreciation, as large gifts which the Customers generate added value and allows him to communicate his concerns and needs of the company in a straightforward and simple way. Either by open or multiple choice questions or no limits are set by a simple feedback field Feedback communication.