In its ending, it is evidenced by the present study that the nature of the religious spirit, even so contributes for the formation of a sacred environment and another profane one, also constitutes with basic base in the social life of the primitive man, observing that, would be the primitive religion the first base of a collective representation atrelando the direction of its you practise religious, immediate necessities of overcoming and materials. The man, as well as all its conceptions of sacred, primitive possesss an inestimable wealth that contributes and enriches the formation of great civilizations of the old world. In this comment, is clearly that, either in the African, American or Asian continent, the manifestations of sacred matrix and its development (mythologies, fbulas and paintings) it is inherent in all the ways. Something that was impregnated in these men. Being thus, through the research and its aiming for the boarded subjects, it was clearly what it was the possible religion during the prehistoric period. Bibliographical references: ALVES, Rubem. What it is religion? 7 ed. So Paulo: Loyola editions, 1999. KOVALEV, V. DIAKOV, S. the Primitive Society. So Paulo: Global, 1982. KUJAWSKY, Gilbert de Mello. Ortega y Gasset: The adventure of the Reason. 3 ed. So Paulo: Modern. 1994. LANGANEY, Andres. The most beautiful History of the Man: Of as the land if it became human being. Rio De Janeiro: DIFEL, 2002. MITHEN, Steven J. Daily pay-History of the Mind: Busca of the Origins of the Art, the Religion and the Writing. So Paulo: UNESP, 2003. ORTEGA Y GASSET, Jose. History as System, followed of Mirabeau, or Politician. Brasilia: UnB, 1982. ____________.Ideas y Creencias. 2 ed. Buenos Aires: Espazas, 1944. SWANSON, Guy E. the Origin of the Primitive Religions. So Paulo: Forensic, 1968.