In the seminar ‘Professional event management’ plays the music In the seminary professional event management close and quite different! “, is all about the design, organization and implementation of events. The two-day workshop will be on the 25th / 26.11.08 respectively from 9:00 until 5: 00 in the Church of the cross in Nurtingen instead and 799 euros. Employees in the fields of marketing and publicity Secretaries Assistant students, and all interested parties concerned with the preparation of events are addressed. In the seminar, the participants in the extraordinary atmosphere of the Church of cross a comprehensive hand tool for the conception and planning of customer day, anniversary or even the Christmas celebration. Even if you prepared events with enthusiasm, at some point the idea pool is simply exhausted”, reported Silke Rommel, the seminar leader, from their own experience in the Organization of the event and there is a seminar with a focus on “Event management a great encoder to get new and viable ideas as an experienced rabbit”, summarizes Rommel feedback of from past workshops. Before and after commaufdenpunkt Silke Rommel is events – seminars with a focus on communication. The Economist (VWA) brings their international experience from the event management in the automotive industry as a seminar speaker. Rommel was two decades in the purchasing and the communication in the international automobile industry. It has extensive expertise in the design of communication and cooperation between automobile manufacturers and suppliers and in intercultural teams project management. Its field of competence reinforced them through a cooperation network of competent and reliable partners from the fields of journalism, event, photography, graphic, print and Web design. Refer to for more information. Press contact: Silke Rommel, e-mail:, Tel: + 49 (0) 711-12169952, mobile: + 49 (0) 176 83081446.