Bare Mountain

If for Yves Lacoste the geography of the Third World is a geography of the discords, for we, northeasterns, Geography of the Polygon of the Droughts it is a geography of the desolation. It are of any determinista preintention, is difficult to deny the influence of the geographic way in the differentiation it growth. It observes the five regions where the Country was divided: While in the Region North it meets bigger hidrogrfica basin of the world, most northeast one is circumscribed to the Polygon of the Droughts, characterized for one isoieta of 600 mm. In its interior, runs some temporary rivers, except the San Francisco and the Parnaiba, whose basins would have to be excluidas of the Polygon, for constituirem very extensive humid areas. The rare ore occurrence also is limitante.

We never had, here, a Bare Mountain range, a Carajs, a Basin De Campos, much less a layer of oil in Daily pay-Salt. But this does not say everything. The truth is that northeast economic history is associated with the phenomenon of the periodic droughts. as not yet it was possible to become the resistant nordetina economy the droughts, geography of this region she is estarrecedora, is of desolation. It can be defined dries as a drastic reduction of the pluviomtrica precipitation that costuma to occur in the northeast half provincial (the Polygon of the Droughts) the one that they are citizens, partially, the States that compose the region some cities of the North of Minas Gerais. Not to forget that 97% it Cear are enclosed in this Polygon. The incidence of this phenomenon verwhelms the agricultural production in the affected area, decimates the cattle and cause suffering to the population, that, then, if submits to the lack d' water, feeding and other restrictions, also the inaaceitvel death. But nor always the phenomenon assumes this characteristic. It has occasions where rains reach the historical average of the precipitation, however distribuida irregularally, with regard to the secular series.