They are many producing countries that are damming the prices, what it stimulates the consumption and it discourages the production, hindering the exportation, and aggravating the world-wide scarcity. Moreover, the strong growth of several nations also bring problems. The high economic growth increases the consumption of oil, whose price goes off and takes the absurd solutions, as etanol and the maize. The crisis in offers and demand of foods, factor that has stimulated the increase of prices, is not temporary and nor it can solely be interpreted as resultant of the expansion of the production of biocombustveis.The instability is fruit of a model maken a mistake in the system agro to feed global. The high one of prices has as factors the continuous increase of the demand for foods, climatic changes, rise of the quotation of the oil, beyond the mercantilizao of the foods, that became products as the negotiated soy, active maize and the wheat in the attractive commodity exchanges and for the financial capital.
The agricultural subsidies kept by the United States and European Union also are factors desencadeadores of the alimentary crisis, since they hinder the producers of poor countries to compete in foot of equality with Europeans North Americans. He gives credit yourself that the current international crises in fuels and of foods had come to be, they are not passengers and they demand ability and capacity ours politicians to face them. 4A RETURN OF the INFLATION ‘ ‘ This phenomenon occurred in great measure due to globalization, to the technological development and the entrance of China in the world-wide economy, producing industrialized products the low prices. Now, however, the situation is moving: the inflation threat to return and the growth must cool on account of the habitacional crisis in U.S.A. It was the proper growth of the demand that finished raising the prices them commodities and is provoking the pressure on the taxes of inflao.