BIZconsalting a training provider of international certification programs CAPSRA. BIZconsulting – specializes in providing comprehensive professional consulting services in management and investment decisions engineering, business education, certification, CAP / CIPA, training courses and IFRS and IAS. With the help of our specialists developed software and methodologies, we assist our clients in solving problems of management, planning, investment, financial management, including management accounting, budgeting and financial analysis, as well as the development goals and targets for them, in the management by objectives and delegation of authority. CIPA Program ( – this is Russian language only comprehensive international certification of professional accountants, financiers, economists, finance directors in accordance with IFRS. The program provides two levels of certification: CAP (Certified Accounting Practitioner (Certified Accounting Practitioner). CIPA (Certified International Professional Accountant (Certified International Professional Accountant). To obtain a certificate-level SAP must undergo training and pass exams on subjects: financial accounting – a managerial accounting – a tax and law program participants, if desired, can take exams in any order and not necessarily the full range of examinations in one examination session. Training takes place in small groups with the use of pictorial material.