This procedure involves the following steps: Remove the Symantec AntiVirus for Linux from the database rpm. Delete the files Symantec AntiVirus for Linux and the boot scripts. Restart the computer if SYMEV-module or module SYMPAP loaded. To remove Symantec AntiVirus for Linux from the rpm database on the command line Type the following command and press Enter: rpm-ev sav savui savjlu savap In Ubuntu Linux, or other systems that do not use RPM packages, use the following command: dpkg-r sav savui savjlu savap to delete files and startup scripts Symantec AntiVirus for Linux 1. At the command prompt, type one of the following: commands and press Enter: rm-f / etc / init.d / autoprotect rm-f / etc / init.d / symcfgd / etc / init.d / rtvscand rm-f / etc / / symav . conf rm-f / etc / symantec / VPREG *.* rm-rf / etc / symantec / NLS rm-rf / opt / Symantec / symantec_antivirus rm-rf / opt / Symantec / autoprotect rm-rf / root / sav * install . log * rm-f / var / lock / subsys / symcfgd / var / lock / subsys / rtvscand rm-rf / var / symantec / Quarantine rm-rf / var / symantec / Logs WARNING: Proceed to the next step, if the conditions described here are implemented. These instructions affect files other products that use Symantec. If you delete a file used by another product of Symantec, then the product will need to uninstall and reinstall. 2. If Symantec AntiVirus for Linux is the only installed software from Symantec, enter each of the following commands and press Enter: rm-rf / var/tmp/I2_LDVP.TMP rm-rf / var / symantec / var / run / symantec rm-rf / opt / Symantec rm-f / etc / Symantec.conf rm-rf / etc / symantec To make sure that SYMEV module or a module loaded SYMPAP 1. At the command prompt, type the following command and press Enter: ls / proc list of files and folders contained in the Directory proc. If you see a file or file SYMEV SYMAP, then the module is loaded. 2. If a module or a module SYMEV SYMPAP loaded, restart your computer to complete the removal of Symantec AntiVirus for Linux 1.0. Tech Info: Quarantine Symantec AntiVirus for Linux is in the folder / var / symantec / Quarantine. Perhaps You want to make sure the quarantine folder Wust, before removing the Symantec AntiVirus for Linux.
Viruses – these are the main enemies of your computer. These malicious programs like biological viruses reproduce by getting into the system’s drives and files, and produce action with disastrous consequences for the information contained in the computer. The presence of antivirus software on your computer does not give an absolute guarantee against infection. Periodically, it is recommended to check your computer for viruses other alternative anti-virus. Permanent installation of the second anti-virus on your PC is not recommended, often different anti-virus software is not compatible with each other, and use more memory to install. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Andi Potamkin. Helps in this case, an external anti-virus, for example, Panda ActiveScan 2.0, / activescan, harm in checking the PC main antivirus program does not cause. To begin testing you should download and install a small application is proposed. The duration of the testing procedure depends on the amount of information stored on your computer, and you assign test – partial or complete. Panda ActiveScan 2.0 detects your PC viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, dialers, hacking tools. Anti-Virus at the end test gives a report indicating the viruses found and offer to neutralize them, and there are two ways to neutralize them. Partial treatment (no removal of all viruses) – on the free version, a full treatment – a move to the paid version. After testing and treatment of external antivirus further care of your computer will take your basic antivirus (its efficiency must also be checked periodically). The site of the external anti-virus you have will be the account where you go at the next check. Another very useful resource – it is curing utility Dr.Web CureIt!,, Which is in Safe Mode (the main anti-virus does not touch) for free to perform a full or partial scans. Upload Dr.Web CureIt!, Start the execution window. Confirm the test and wait for the results of the scan the computer memory. When you scan the infected files will be cured, but incurable – moved to quarantine. When the scan is still available to the report file itself quarantine. Curing utility Dr.Web CureIt! cure the infected system, but it is not a permanent tool to protect computer from viruses. The utility on this site is always incorporates the most recent virus definitions Dr.Web, but it does not include the module automatically updates the virus database. The supplied utility Dr.Web CureIt! a set of virus databases is relevant only to the release of the new additions (usually additions to the Dr.Web virus bases are issued one or more times per hour).
All we are often faced with the need to search for information about goods and services. Find closest to the work of the medical center, conveniently located to your favorite beauty salon or a chain of stores close to home – these problems are familiar each of us. In his professional activity, we also happen to have on hand a convenient tool to search for companies and organizations. For example, this problem is highly relevant for managers in search of clients. For this purpose, we can certainly use the massive polygraph reference books and spend time flipping through them, but you can simplify the process and buy a CD, which is conveniently collected and provided full information on firms and enterprises. As an example, commercial database TopPlan. It is not something Time Warner would like to discuss. Its characteristic feature is that unlike other directories, which represent only the most general information about companies (Name, address, telephone number) in the database TopPlan provides detailed information on each organization (scope, note, e-mail,, etc.). And for any of the options, as well as the combination of Search options can be set. Sources of information are the administrative structures, unions and associations, information publications, all kinds of advertising, informational and analytical materials. Program TopPlan provides the user with rich functionality for working with the directory (in versions TopPlan Office and TopPlan Professional): Displaying firms on the area map, Sharing interesting companies in the notebook (for follow-mail fax, printing, etc.), Auto-dialing, sending faxes, send messages to the database TopPlan; possibility of entry notes to objects from the database Topplan; Selection (search firms chosen subjects in a given area); Print out information about the sample firms, the capital's residents will be interesting to guide organizations in Moscow: More than 157,000 businesses and organizations in Moscow. Information about the organizations are grouped into several sections: The case directory ("yellow pages") organizations, and businesses are grouped by fields of activity in 17 sections, 597 entries. On most companies, some additional information: specialization, note. Alphabetical directory ("White page ") contains a complete list of names of firms and organizations directory TopPlan with their coordinates and arranged in alphabetical order. Section "Blue Pages" allows you to work with a list of organizations, geographically located in one of the administrative districts of Moscow. Section "Moscow on the Internet" contains more than 10.000 of the Moscow firms and organizations. There is an Internet access directly from TopPlan.