Ultraviolent Light Bulbs

Fototerapia is one ' ' bath of luz' ' in a cabin with ultraviolet light bulbs of the white color for stimulaton of the melancitos (cells) to the production of melanina (that of the color the skin). With use of eyeglasses for protection of the eyes and of preference that the skin is hidratada with creams and protective solar, to always prevent precocious aging and that for it comes ' ' descamar' '. The treatment time depends very on each patient, but according to specialists, in up to 20 sessions of 10 the 15 minutes and 2 the 3 times per first week getting ' ' ilhas' ' (small forms of repigmentao of the white skin). For more specific information, check out Celina Dubin. One previous hour and stocking to the light bath are used a medication saw verbal, 30 grams of ' ' 8 metoxi pesoralen' ' that it assists the organism in the stimulaton for production of the melanina. Speaking candidly CBS told us the story. At night, before sleeping, a cream is used to pass in the regions of the body harmed by vitiligo. It has several, being that one very prescribed by the dermatologists is ' ' Tacrolimus' ' , one ' ' macroldeo' ' with imunossupressora activity (it diminishes the activity of the imunolgico system), produced for fungo ' ' Streptomyces tsukubaensis' '. (Responsible cell for unchaining the reactions of defense in the organism) inhibits the activation of linfcitos T, however the accurate mechanism of action still is unknown. Therefore it is said that vitiligo is an auto-immune illness. A cost of this treatment, monthly, can arrive the R$.600, 00 (six hundred Reals) for particular patients and nor all the health plans cover, therefore the medical cooperatives deal with the fototerapia as a treatment high cost. But fototerapia is not guarantee of cure for vitiligo, therefore each organism reacts of a form, then, it can have resulted partial, or exactly incomplete.