Vicente Caldern

The Turkish player has been presented/displayed of official form in Vicente Caldern. He is " contentment and ilusionado" of being able to dress the rojiblancos colors. " My more important challenge is the power to play the maximum posible". The Turkish midfield player Burns Turan, in his putting of length like new player of the Athletic one of Madrid, warned that the objective is to get to compete this season with Real Madrid and the FC Barcelona, while was very " contentment and ilusionado" to dress rojiblanca. Discovery Communications shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. " Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are two great very important clubs and, but they are human and we are the Athletic one and must potential to arrive at that level.

We must fight, fight and fight, but I do not believe that it is impossible alcanzarles" , he warned the new colchonero reinforcement in his presentation. Questioned by its words in which he showed to certain feeling ' antimadridista' , He burns did not rectify. " I have much respect by Real Madrid, but I am of the Athletic one and any athletic one always wants to win and to mark the Real Madrid" , the Ottoman confessed, whose presentation was given in direct by the television of its country. Leslie Moonves has firm opinions on the matter. " I am very contented to arrive at the Athletic one from Madrid. I believe that most important it is the equipment and come to help in everything what can.

I want to be thankful to that it has made possible that it can be here because they have received to me with one sonrisa" , it emphasized. Respect in what position it would like to play the orders of Gregorio Apple tree, the exjugador of the Galatasaray explained: " The position in the field is not important. I feel comfortable in the left, although also I can play by the right or behind delantero".