This procedure involves the following steps: Remove the Symantec AntiVirus for Linux from the database rpm. Delete the files Symantec AntiVirus for Linux and the boot scripts. Restart the computer if SYMEV-module or module SYMPAP loaded. To remove Symantec AntiVirus for Linux from the rpm database on the command line Type the following command and press Enter: rpm-ev sav savui savjlu savap In Ubuntu Linux, or other systems that do not use RPM packages, use the following command: dpkg-r sav savui savjlu savap to delete files and startup scripts Symantec AntiVirus for Linux 1. At the command prompt, type one of the following: commands and press Enter: rm-f / etc / init.d / autoprotect rm-f / etc / init.d / symcfgd / etc / init.d / rtvscand rm-f / etc / / symav . conf rm-f / etc / symantec / VPREG *.* rm-rf / etc / symantec / NLS rm-rf / opt / Symantec / symantec_antivirus rm-rf / opt / Symantec / autoprotect rm-rf / root / sav * install .
log * rm-f / var / lock / subsys / symcfgd / var / lock / subsys / rtvscand rm-rf / var / symantec / Quarantine rm-rf / var / symantec / Logs WARNING: Proceed to the next step, if the conditions described here are implemented. These instructions affect files other products that use Symantec. If you delete a file used by another product of Symantec, then the product will need to uninstall and reinstall. 2. If Symantec AntiVirus for Linux is the only installed software from Symantec, enter each of the following commands and press Enter: rm-rf / var/tmp/I2_LDVP.TMP rm-rf / var / symantec / var / run / symantec rm-rf / opt / Symantec rm-f / etc / Symantec.conf rm-rf / etc / symantec To make sure that SYMEV module or a module loaded SYMPAP 1.
At the command prompt, type the following command and press Enter: ls / proc list of files and folders contained in the Directory proc. If you see a file or file SYMEV SYMAP, then the module is loaded. 2. If a module or a module SYMEV SYMPAP loaded, restart your computer to complete the removal of Symantec AntiVirus for Linux 1.0. Tech Info: Quarantine Symantec AntiVirus for Linux is in the folder / var / symantec / Quarantine. Perhaps You want to make sure the quarantine folder Wust, before removing the Symantec AntiVirus for Linux.