Japanese Alex

– Not.he is nor I make question to remember. Alex looked at pra it surpreso. – You do not want to know at least who you were its parents? – Not. Why if knead they me would not have abandoned me, my family are you, the staff there of the orphanage, the madalena senhorita, Mr. Matias.

alone. Alex understood the hurt of Joseph. Then it decided not to touch more in the subject. Arriving in the school Joseph it was for its classroom. I see – You in the Alex lunch! – It cried out. – Legal T! – Alex answered. The lessons as they were always a chatura without size for Joseph.

Nothing it called its attention. Joseph was full of everything that. The only thing that if Wise person on Joseph was that it came of Japan. Tokyo to be but accurate. It does not obtain to remember as he was to stop in England. It also knows to say to Japanese fluente. (who only knows of this is Madalena and is clearly Alex), it is this does not obtain to remember other things. In the hour of the Alex lunch and it they had talked on the subjects of always. Brothers in the truth were great friends almost knew everything one on the other what the people did not understand were as two completely different people could nourish a friendship the test of bullets. Joseph was known as qualrrelsome numero1 of the school, Already Alex was its opposite wanted distance of the fight, but if they moved with Alex could wait a meeting with Joseph. However, what they did not know were that everything would go to move inside of little time.