It is a short while different time at which a physical mutation occurs in such a way how much psychological. In the physical growth, Hall observed, then, the presence of instinctive resqucios. ' ' The start of the adolescence brings new sources of impulse of the growth in all the directions, and at these initial moments they are in lower court more or less disarrenged what had been coordinated in the sets. ' ' When being in this phase the individuals meet misadjusted, disordered. But, ' ' when passing this phase the individual becomes capable to develop itself thus in the society and, to produce contributions for its society. All the changes brought for the puberty and the necessity to develop a proper personality, the ambiguity of the social status, the necessity to effect a series of choices, would provoke a series of crises (…) ' '. These crises would be generated by the proper loss of autoafirmar itself in the society, therefore, youth is a phase in which the first transformations appear of the individual, and thus this if finds between the adult phase and the infantile phase. Being thus nor in one and nor in another state.
1,2 Generation Since our birth until our death, we pass many times for characteristic phases of one determined time, completely proper of that moment. In accordance with the Dictionary of Sociology we see that, ' ' in felt ampler and less necessary, a generation is a set of individuals born approximately at the same time (…) ' '. However, ' ' Nobody, for example, would affirm that it had a situation similarity enters the young of China and Germany for 1800 return. Only where the contemporaries are definitely in position to partilharem, as an integrated group, of certain common experiences we can speak correctly of similarity of situation of a generation.