Hall Time

It is a short while different time at which a physical mutation occurs in such a way how much psychological. In the physical growth, Hall observed, then, the presence of instinctive resqucios. ' ' The start of the adolescence brings new sources of impulse of the growth in all the directions, and at these initial moments they are in lower court more or less disarrenged what had been coordinated in the sets. ' ' When being in this phase the individuals meet misadjusted, disordered. But, ' ' when passing this phase the individual becomes capable to develop itself thus in the society and, to produce contributions for its society. All the changes brought for the puberty and the necessity to develop a proper personality, the ambiguity of the social status, the necessity to effect a series of choices, would provoke a series of crises (…) ' '. These crises would be generated by the proper loss of autoafirmar itself in the society, therefore, youth is a phase in which the first transformations appear of the individual, and thus this if finds between the adult phase and the infantile phase. Being thus nor in one and nor in another state. 1,2 Generation Since our birth until our death, we pass many times for characteristic phases of one determined time, completely proper of that moment. In accordance with the Dictionary of Sociology we see that, ' ' in felt ampler and less necessary, a generation is a set of individuals born approximately at the same time (…) ' '. However, ' ' Nobody, for example, would affirm that it had a situation similarity enters the young of China and Germany for 1800 return. Only where the contemporaries are definitely in position to partilharem, as an integrated group, of certain common experiences we can speak correctly of similarity of situation of a generation.

Northern Hemisphere

Published the most comprehensive prediction of the famous soothsayer of the last century. 2008 – attempt on the four heads of government. The conflict in Hindustan. This will be one of the causes of World War iii. 2010 – the beginning of the third world War. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Begins, as usual, then will be applied first nuclear weapon, and then chemical weapons. 2011 – as a result of radioactive fallout in the Northern Hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans. 2014 – Most people will suffer skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare). 2016 – Europe is almost deserted. 2018 – New China becomes a world power. Developing countries in turn operated from exploiters. 2023 – slightly change the orbit of the Earth. 2025 – Europe still little settled. 2028 – Create a new source of nuclear energy (probably a controlled thermonuclear energy). Hunger is gradually being overcome. Launches manned spacecraft to Venus. 2033 – polar ice caps melt, increasing the level of The world's oceans. 2043 – The world economy is thriving. In Europe, ruled by Muslims. 2046 – raised any bodies. Replacing the bodies is becoming one of the best methods of treatment. 2066 – during an attack on the Muslim Rome, the U.S. used a new kind of weapon – the climate. Cold snap. 2076 – Classless Society (communism). 2084 – restoration of nature.

Birgit Langer – Tears You Laugh

“The new maxi – single by Birgit Langer – tears you laugh courage to change: after many years Fernando express” BIRGIT LANGER takes off alone now. With her voice, she helped the Kings of the dance palaces”to countless hits, was front woman and trademark in one and enchanted nature so many hit a heart with her of course sympathetic. discovered in 1990 in the Rudi Carell show”where she won with the title Julian” by Mandy Winter joining the Fernando express her first singing contest was swiftly followed by”. But the dream remained after his solo career and the will to realize itself grew from day to day. To Birgit: I left the formation at his own request. After almost 20 years, it was time for something else. I would like to introduce more of me in the future, me show who and how I am really without regulated to be. I am a dyed in the wool 68-erin and born in the zodiac sign of Aries. It is said the Rams after they pursue once sights and very reliable are. I put a new target, and sometimes it takes courage to change.” And exactly this change in presence and music can be visible and especially heard: new team, new concept and new sound presents itself confident, single-minded BIRGIT LANGER and modern. Honest words: easy, it was never to go this way. Went through the night, fire and ice. “Every dream has a price” poetic and yet authentic BIRGIT LANGER sings about her past experience in the music business and handles both good and less good in their first radio single tears that you laugh “, which is expected to will be published in spring 2010 by EMI Music Germany (Electrola) as a maxi-single. In the almost autobiographical form describes their emotional world BIRGIT LANGER, holds review, enumerates events without thereby infringing on others: you can no longer cry tears that you laugh. I learned a lot, friend to stand upright now. Am strong again as if never what happen.” Honest and powerful words, the true to not have to. And also the view describes the singer with exact rows forward, their own future: feel the force, understand the meaning. Farewell is a new beginning. Hold the happiness in my hands.” This message documented BIRGIT Langer’s newly gained understanding of self and a first impression of their formal and substantive freedom. “Contemporary sound: clear dynamically rhythmically together with the composer and producer Tommy Mustac and the lyricist Marc Hiller, the life-affirming title was tears that you laugh”, which focuses on contemporary productions of construction as well as from the arc of melody and stands out clearly from Birgit’s past. With an advanced sound spectrum that calls for great voice quality and stresses in the gloss, a refrain that is filling out 8 bars stretches a wide verse. In combination with BIRGIT Langer’s musical interpretation and a powerful arrangement, a distinctive style emerged, which whets the appetite for more. “Outlook: tears you laugh” is the harbinger of the appearing on the March 26 CD maxi single. This includes BIRGIT LANGER: a childhood dream come true for me. Finally I can show what’s in me and what really moves me. I very much hope I continue seeing people’s hearts with my music. The tension on what comes is great, my joy much bigger”. Source: Emi music more information see: and


There is a saying among the people that if you want to see how it will look your Bride in old age look at her mother. To paraphrase this saying can be said so that if you want to know what you will get sick in his old age, remember than hurt your parents, I mean not only the father and mother, and grandparents on the maternal and paternal lines. Our ancestors, along with the talents and skills handed down to us, unfortunately, and their illness or at least predisposition to them. Therefore, the memories of the lives of their ancestors is very important. Recall and analyze the habits, tastes and interests, a model of their behavior in any given situation and to compare with them with their tastes and interests, is the number one task in forecasting their possible diseases. Compare themselves should more closely with the line, the maternal or paternal, which do you most resemble. Determine who are you more like a fairly easy, it is worth asking relatives. They usually say: "It is a copy of my father ',' It is a copy of the mother ', or vice versa. You can also see and understand their similarities with their ancestors for whatever things such such as favorite foods. By comparing your tastes, such as food, with tastes of their closest ancestors, and from which they were ill and died, you can make up for a program to prevent such consequences. As say, is easier to prevent disease than to treat it. Let me give a concrete example of life that describes all of the above. A man of forty years, began to feel a deterioration in health, which is gradually going from year to year. Deterioration was reflected in a decrease of memory, joint disease, deterioration of visual acuity, overweight, lack of blood circulation in the legs. After analyzing their lives and the lives of their ancestors on the paternal line on which He was very similar, came to the conclusion that all their associates love this food as fat and salt. His grandfather was so fond of salty, add some salt that even herring. Also, my grandfather loved and fat and, in any form. He especially loved his cooking, which in itself is very harmful from – the high cholesterol content. Therefore, while my grandfather and he lived to 91 years the last few years has suffered from pains in the joints and vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis). After analyzing situation, our hero decided to completely abandon the use of salt. Refuse the use of fat he could not completely lacked willpower. But he began to lead a more active lifestyle: take jogging, each morning started doing self-massage of the feet and picked up the habit once a week to starve. All these changes in his lifestyle led to significant improvement in his health. Admittedly this did not happen immediately, but according to him via 1,5 – 2 months time regular employment, he felt a tangible improvement in health. First of all, it was expressed in improving the overall condition. Now he could get up to 5 floor without pain in the joints of the feet and shortness of breath. He became more energetic, and thing, what I liked about him changes, he became more calm and optimistic. So I wish you all, especially those who have started having problems with health, to investigate their heredity and take correct solutions to remedy the situation and improve their health.