Deng Xiaoping

Determination of the optimum and a problem P of type D, the ontological problem requiring the development of appropriate concepts and corresponding methods of subject D, transforming the problem into the problem. But it is clear that the move to extremes, for which often goes the battle (or the freedom of organization in the absolute), just senseless, that has been observed repeatedly in various revolutions, leading to antagonism and devastation as a result of extremes (a weakening of the authority or dictatorship, the abolition of private or public property). But examples of NEP in the Soviet Union, the transformation of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the U.S. and Deng Xiaoping in China are examples of optimization of the economy. This is also evident in Singapore and Scandinavian countries. Ie invisible hand of market need the visible hand of government, and vice versa. In education, there are ontological problemy6 optimizing the start time and duration of training, autonomy, and organization of the students playing and normative, collective and individual approaches, P sensuous and logical M (Chum and scrap), the practical and theoretical components, etc. But the central problem, the center of the assembly of an integrated personality – is a problem of belief in the eternal future of humanity and human personality through her spiritually-genetic contributions to HP and TC, save the name of the author in history. Solved it assimilation as the highest values and goals of humanity eternal life through the full R personality and MD as a parameter optimization of dual component life.

Cost Savings

A lone man for whom every minute communication – a treasure, can rely on simple human attention in the store? Never. It's not that the cost savings makes the employment of uneducated and uncultured staff. Case in the absence of standards of loyalty programs, training of personnel, staffing 'holes' companies. Inability to solve these problems – a common but discredited myth. Think about how you can reconcile with buyers more emotional benefits and how it will affect their loyalties. How to determine the level of loyalty? To determine whether the buyer is loyal, very difficult. Must parse for certain target audience into groups according to shop patterns of consumer logistics before you call someone who comes from you only once a month, a disloyal buyer. Lifestyle, employment, culture power sociodemography, income – all this directly affects the behaviors of buyers, saying nothing about their relationship with your company. On the surface level of loyalty is inversely proportional to number of stores, which are periodically visited by the buyer. That is, yours truly customer goes only to you, and disloyal – in all possible alternative shops. This is true, but only partly. Perhaps to someone you feel loyal to, simply has nowhere else to go. Maybe he lives next door to your shop, and more preferably in the five blocks. Maybe he thinks your store awful, but the fresh bakery department – just great. A little imagination, and we'll have a hundred reasons 'forced loyalty', that is not loyalty at all, but merely needs.


Later, it appears in the innumerable resultant forms of community of the antagonism and the fusing of the tribes. Only in century XVIII, ' ' society burguesa' ' , it is that the diverse forms of the social set had started to present it the individual as simple half to carry through its private ends, as exterior necessity. However, the time that produces this point of view, of the isolated individual, is necessarily, that one in which social relations (e, of this point of view, generalities) had reached most reflected, endow with comment, specific ability, but also the absolute suspension of the mental activity of the spectator, if this does not want to lose the facts that if uncurl ahead of its eyes. The spectator does not have to work with the proper head; the product prescribes all the reactions: not for its objective context? this if esvai at the moment where are submitted to the thought? but through signals. All logical connection, that demands intellectual effort, scrupulously is prevented. Andi Potamkin, New York City wanted to know more. The product locates the consumer in the same situation of an assembly line and it does not restrict only the films, but the ample universe of created, consumed necessities without any reflection, as if the effect of the suffered mental paralysis in the production it was transferred in sort, number and degree, for it acquires that it. As for the production, and why not to say the same for the consumption, the situation that if finds in the present time did not appear for generation spontaneous, but landmarks in the capitalism had occurred, that, for better income and greater production, developed methods, many of which, perfected in diverse versions. Taylor (apud HELOANI, 1994:47) formulated a form of organization of the work characterized for the ample functioning of the tasks and concomitant the monitoramento of the movements of the workers. Such rigid form of control objectified the efficiency as goal and principle.

Opposite Direction

Surely the majority of the people we considered owners of our own destiny. We are going to work to maintain our family. We make diet or exercises to maintain our health. We read newspapers to be updated and so it happens in our city, our country or in the world. And we maintain one pretends confidence that we are directed in our life. But that happens when we felt that never we arrived at destiny. We were that we cannot vacacionar because or we did not join the sufficient money or we did not manage to have one or two weeks free, without commitments to travel. Or, perhaps, never we began our favorite sport because the schedules do not agree to us; etc., etc. The answer to all this is that we did not take the correct actions and ordinates in our daily life. If we managed to take an agenda, like the labor one, but of our daily life; it would be all the organized year of such form that we could fulfill yet what we want to do. But for this the first step is to know, exactly, which we want to do; that it is what in truth desire of my life. Step I number one to discover What is what me it makes happy and but master? next steps to take the actions that only take that to us our happiness. To manage to have intelligent goals, gives the security us that all our actions are directed to a same objective. To be concentrates in a plan to follow for which we have been forgetting the banal problems and we focus our mind in something positive, obtaining that the unconscious one only attracts that we want, that to where we want to arrive. Mariana cambiandolavida.