Professional Relationship

Interactive, innovative, sustainable customer delight and surprisingly getting around! The importance and the value of professional and above all interactive customer relationship management within the marketing process to rise significantly and today belong to the strategic success factors in a company. It comes today mainly to meet the customers even better and to seek dialogue with the customer and to apply it not only with all the known measures. Interactivity with existing customers, helps kennenzulernen customer needs better and contributes much to the customer loyalty, as well as quality improvement to the product and service development. There are countless opportunities to show customers appreciation. Whether as Dankeschon, Sorry, or to keep the contact with the customer. It is important that through the interaction with the customer a dialog zustande comes.

Exactly here is the unique and interactive communication solution around customer gifts from Novadoo. With the timely and innovative solution companies can flexible manner now improve the quality of its relationship management, interactively communicate with the customer and at the same time reduce the administrative burden as well as the opportunities costs. Well-known listed Unternehmungen use this kind of customer relationship management and interaction with customers already successfully as follows: simple customer gifts (birthday, anniversary, Christmas, etc.) Contracts renewals complaint management customer service address verification customer acquisition, events / customer events customer surveys / market research it is the little things, the big lead to innovative, interactive and give sustainable, cost – and time-saving, and with a gift process which allows the customer to auszusuChen his personal gift to itself, is the start to interact with the customer. It is not about to surprise him, but with an appreciation, as large gifts which the Customers generate added value and allows him to communicate his concerns and needs of the company in a straightforward and simple way. Either by open or multiple choice questions or no limits are set by a simple feedback field Feedback communication.