They face rains, mud, agglomeration, discomfort, pushing and shoving will attend, next possible, the artist. Yes, the artists deserve our affection, but, the biggest affection to who we must give is to we ourselves. Why we are capable to wait three, four, five hours to attend a show that, in very little will add in them professionally, however, we do not have will force to participate of training, lectures, that, almost always, enrich in them excessively? One of the biggest claims when I instigate the participants of my events to be read are the time lack. When I say to them that they are not reading because specialists in novels, films, games of soccer had preferred to become, therefore do not have time, the majority is felt desconfortvel, therefore they reflect and they conclude that the affirmation is absolutely likely. I show to them that 10 minutes per day to be read, the least, despite they are we pssimos in reading, will read 3 pages and, certainly, next to 100 pages in one month. They are boquiabertos when I disclose that with only 10 minutes per day of reading, they will be capable to more than read 1,000 pages in one month. She is not necessary to abandon the novels, the films, the soccer games, the programs of the afternoon. They also have its paper in the society.
Many of them clarify latent doubts on the life of each human being. Even though the novels that, unhappyly, in its majority, do not give good examples of moral, honesty, ethics, only disclose the side chaotic of the country. Still thus, if the people had critical opinion, would learn, therefore we can learn greatly with the bad examples: we can learn as not holding in them. The great gravita problem in the necessity neurotic who some people have of not I only can be until the schedule of mine novelinha. If not to change such behavior are the best candidates to win the game of the failed ones. It half does not have term for that they decide not to specialize itself in the activity or activities that exert: or you account very with the luck and see what she happens; or you prepare yourself very, count little on the luck and make the things to happen? Which is the best decision? To decide is easy, the difficult is to face the consequences of what it are determined! One I always hug and happinesses!