Despite this assumption of Freud, up to 1960’s of our century among Doctors and scientists have been widely accepted that the main cause cerebral palsy are complications during childbirth. However, in 1980., Analyzed data from national studies on more than 35000 cases of newborns with signs of cerebral palsy Scientists were amazed that complications due to birth trauma were less than 10%. In most cases, the causes of cerebral palsy were not identified. And from then began extensive studies of the perinatal period of life: from 28 th week vntstriutrobnoy fetal life on the 7 th day of life in the newborn. By the same author: Celina Dubin. Consequences of Cerebral Palsy The characteristic features of cerebral palsy are violations of motor activity, particularly exposed to defeat muscular sphere – is poor coordination of movements. Depending on the extent and location of sites of brain damage can occur one or several forms of muscle disease – muscle stiffness or spasticity, involuntary movement, gait disturbance, and degree of mobility. Can also occur following pathological phenomenon – the abnormal sensation and perception, reduced vision, hearing and speech impairment, epilepsy, mental delay development.
Other problems: difficulty in eating, the weakening of control of urination and of the intestines, breathing problems due to violations of body position, pressure sores, and learning difficulties. Causes Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy can be caused by a majority of factors that affect the development of the brain. The main reason is lack of oxygen supply of the brain – hypoxia (fetal or newborn). Supply Oxygen may be interrupted premature separation of placenta from the wall of the uterus, abnormal fetal presentation, prolonged or rapid delivery, impaired circulation in the umbilical cord. Premature birth, prematurity, low birth weight, RH-factor or blood group incompatibility between fetus and mother in the system A-B-O, infected mothers rubella or other viral diseases in early pregnancy – and microorganisms attacking the central nervous system of the fetus – they are also risk factors. In the U.S., in particular, all studies aimed to investigate the two main causes of cerebral palsy: rubella and the incompatibility of the blood of the fetus and mother. Thus, the main causes of cerebral palsy are associated with processes of pregnancy and labor act, but these states are not inherited: and this paralysis is often called congenital cerebral palsy (associated with intrauterine pathology or delivery process). A less common type – acquired cerebral palsy usually develops before the age of two (head injuries due to accidents or infections of the brain).