Deng Xiaoping

Determination of the optimum and a problem P of type D, the ontological problem requiring the development of appropriate concepts and corresponding methods of subject D, transforming the problem into the problem. But it is clear that the move to extremes, for which often goes the battle (or the freedom of organization in the absolute), just senseless, that has been observed repeatedly in various revolutions, leading to antagonism and devastation as a result of extremes (a weakening of the authority or dictatorship, the abolition of private or public property). But examples of NEP in the Soviet Union, the transformation of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the U.S. and Deng Xiaoping in China are examples of optimization of the economy. This is also evident in Singapore and Scandinavian countries. Ie invisible hand of market need the visible hand of government, and vice versa.

In education, there are ontological problemy6 optimizing the start time and duration of training, autonomy, and organization of the students playing and normative, collective and individual approaches, P sensuous and logical M (Chum and scrap), the practical and theoretical components, etc. But the central problem, the center of the assembly of an integrated personality – is a problem of belief in the eternal future of humanity and human personality through her spiritually-genetic contributions to HP and TC, save the name of the author in history. Solved it assimilation as the highest values and goals of humanity eternal life through the full R personality and MD as a parameter optimization of dual component life.