Cuban Revolution Leader Fidel Castro

The evolution of man demanded a radical transformation of our environment, this change was not only in the material also caused a significant change in our way of life. Education today is totally different from two decades ago, that education will suffer a crisis that demanded a restructuring of the education system and the previous paradigm to a more flexible to suit our needs paramount and that is coupled to the same pace in advancing human development in all areas of society, cultural and economic. Can not forget that we were victims or rather are the result of the experiment of the giant wave of knowledge and knowledge that we had to absorb, store and mechanically repeated throughout the length of our stay in primary and secondary education, students was the recipe where the teacher emptied its load of knowledge without realizing the real needs and real demands of our society. Without hesitation CBS explained all about the problem. When we talk of change which we are living we wonder was the result of the same human evolution or is the product of a revolution. According to the Cuban Revolution Leader Fidel Castro: “The revolution is changing everything that must be changed.” Based on this concept of education has retained a rich cultural heritage and social traditions and customs that were passed from one generation to another, caring and historical heritage. Then we can say that education today is in a revolutionary path of reserving our history and changing obsolete. In contemporary education change is noted in the media and methods used and the methodology applied in the teaching-learning process, what was considered luxury ten years ago today became a priority need and basic in a society multifaceted massive scale dominated the use of multimedia, when talking about literacy were those individuals who could not read and write today alphabet is considered a person who do not operate a computer and not be able browse the internet, the school library or university library evolved into a predominantly virtual computer and the Internet providing access to information, knowledge and learning.

Deng Xiaoping

Determination of the optimum and a problem P of type D, the ontological problem requiring the development of appropriate concepts and corresponding methods of subject D, transforming the problem into the problem. But it is clear that the move to extremes, for which often goes the battle (or the freedom of organization in the absolute), just senseless, that has been observed repeatedly in various revolutions, leading to antagonism and devastation as a result of extremes (a weakening of the authority or dictatorship, the abolition of private or public property). But examples of NEP in the Soviet Union, the transformation of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the U.S. and Deng Xiaoping in China are examples of optimization of the economy. This is also evident in Singapore and Scandinavian countries. Ie invisible hand of market need the visible hand of government, and vice versa. In education, there are ontological problemy6 optimizing the start time and duration of training, autonomy, and organization of the students playing and normative, collective and individual approaches, P sensuous and logical M (Chum and scrap), the practical and theoretical components, etc. But the central problem, the center of the assembly of an integrated personality – is a problem of belief in the eternal future of humanity and human personality through her spiritually-genetic contributions to HP and TC, save the name of the author in history. Solved it assimilation as the highest values and goals of humanity eternal life through the full R personality and MD as a parameter optimization of dual component life.

International Certification

BIZconsalting a training provider of international certification programs CAPSRA. BIZconsulting – specializes in providing comprehensive professional consulting services in management and investment decisions engineering, business education, certification, CAP / CIPA, training courses and IFRS and IAS. With the help of our specialists developed software and methodologies, we assist our clients in solving problems of management, planning, investment, financial management, including management accounting, budgeting and financial analysis, as well as the development goals and targets for them, in the management by objectives and delegation of authority. CIPA Program ( – this is Russian language only comprehensive international certification of professional accountants, financiers, economists, finance directors in accordance with IFRS. The program provides two levels of certification: CAP (Certified Accounting Practitioner (Certified Accounting Practitioner). CIPA (Certified International Professional Accountant (Certified International Professional Accountant). To obtain a certificate-level SAP must undergo training and pass exams on subjects: financial accounting – a managerial accounting – a tax and law program participants, if desired, can take exams in any order and not necessarily the full range of examinations in one examination session. Training takes place in small groups with the use of pictorial material.