
The set of documents who we backwards tona are, paradigms on the thought, who we are we, based in the quantum physics, the physics of the infinite possibilities. Who we are? Of where we came? For where we go? They are questions without accurate answers. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Dell EMC Power Edge. It has an incessant search of the reply that if fits inside of the scientific and religious parameters, the truth is that this reply it is a great mystery and in accordance with the film there this the great trick of the life. To think about the mystery. We are beings composites for molecules, atoms, particles and everything our return also; what it varies is the chemical composition. Our body is formed 88% of water, and according to it has filmed the structure molecular of the water can be modified through positive or negative the thought (energy), being thus concludes that we can modify our biological body for its water percentage that contains.

If we influence in our reality all the moment through what we think, imagine and create then the future it can be organized. It is enough to imagine it and to create it, only needs to have to be able on the mind, look with eyes of an observer. An observing one only observes, if we could observing in them as we observe the others we would see that we make missed things, therefore we have vices, emotions which we are made and perceiving this, the great step for the behavior change will be given. The thought is one ' ' vcuo' ' , one ' ' vazio' ' , something that happens without explanation, and if inside of us we have this ' ' vazio' ' of where it comes and to where goes? He can yourself be considered that it is between molecules, atoms. In the space also &#039 has this; ' vazio' ' between molecules and atoms. In the objects that also encircle in them it has this ' ' vazio' '! Then it is in all the places? He is for this fact that the thought can search the new and modify the reality. This emptiness is a very great mass that is in everything and is accurately it who inside makes the movement of the infinite possibilities of the quantum physics. This is paradigm, that to dominate and only to know to use this thought it is necessary to look at with the eyes of the observer who is said ' ' vazio' '. This new conception demands to think, therefore if everything is moved by thoughts, then the human being can modify the reality where it lives to the step that imagines, it creates and it happens, therefore the observer makes with that everything happens as the thought (that is part of the supreme observer, as if we fossemos part what we call God). God would be this observer that is everything, that is in all the places and us in way some we could be its image and similarity, but believes that let us be part of this God for terms ' ' vazio' ' of the thought in us. This conception makes in them to think about the possibilities of the quantum physics, in the possibilities of this to be really occurring without let us perceive, has is that to think, here it is the mystery, to think about the paradigm, to think about ' ' who we are ns' '!