Esther Murillo

Endermologa. With this technique it can to say goodbye to the celutitis of way fast and easy. One is to give a painless massage with rollers and to inhale the cutaneous surface of the epidermis. Cavitation. It acts destroying the located fats that normally they are eliminated neither with exercise nor with massages. It is the alternative to liposuction; with the cavitation one permanently eliminates the fat and the cellulitis by the application of ultrasound Vacunterapia. It creates an effect massage that facilitates the drainage of the liquid retained in the cells and it breaks the connective weave partitions helping to reduce to the size of the greasy cells in the hypodermis Radio frequency. He is very effective whoever to fight against the flaccidity and the cellulitis as much of the face as of other cutaneous zones. One is to apply electromagnetic radiations in the deep dermis and the subskin layers while the epidermis is protected. Virtual Mesoterapia: Unlike the mesoterapia traditional, that consists of dealing the affected zones with microinjections, the virtual mesoterapia is a painless method that uses electromagnetic waves that are able to arrive at the deepest layers of the skin, presenting/displaying optimal results in anticelulticas, reducing therapies and of face rejuvenation. This list of asked for corporal treatments more is completed more with the fotodepilacin of last generation (IPL) and with the advanced face treatments like the microdermoabrasin, fotorejuvenecimiento, lifting without surgery, or the dental blanqueamiento that reclaim the target of the teeth in 1 hour, up to 7 tones of clarified in a single session. Whoever to go to prove concept REVOLUTION they already can do it in one of the centers in Madrid coined with the white star. One is located in just released commercial center of the Gavia and another one in the centric district of Crooked, in the street Infants. Shortly other establishments in Majadahonda, Pozuelo, Boadilla of Monte, Villalba will be abrirn, Lowest part of valley, Espartinas, Hortaleza and Galileo. the truth is that in we only had been months in operation, but of we are satisfied with the results and the opinions of our clients and that animate abrir more centers shortly to us to give to major cover and service, finalizes the director of Marketing. On REVOLUTION Revolution Corporation is the chain cluster property Chic The, a new concept of centers of aesthetic outpost that comes endorsed by the equipment from professionals of the group multimark that registers standards with more than 50 years of presence in the sector. At the moment it counts on 3 operative centers in our country, but in the short term they will be abrirn 10 more in Madrid. Note to the journalists: For more information, interviews or request of images you do not doubt in contacting to us.