An Online Community For Sharing, Rental And Sale Of Stuff

A social network of a different kind at home who things that are no longer needed, usually goes to a flea market, to bring it to the man or puts it on eBay. Both fees and selling at the flea market is also quite time consuming. Want to sell private stuff, it is therefore, to take advantage of the free online community This portal is structured as a social network and offers the most standard features of such a network. In addition, it can serve as barter, lease or sell stock. To sell things in this way is neither chargeable nor time consuming. The community is very user friendly, what is striking in the logon process. You already have a profile on Facebook, you must manually perform the registration, but can easily establish a link with the other network.

Also adjusting things users is made very easy. It must be uploaded pictures nor a description made. Both can enter the ISBN or EAN codes thanks to a link to the Amazon database be imported easily. Only a short statement on the condition of the thing that you want to sell, rent, or lend, is required. The items listed in 14 different categories can be so easily found from other members and examined. But wishing that certain objects can be seen not by all users, but only by friends, so you can take before comfortably the visibility settings. It is understandable that you things that are one to the heart than others, not all unknown to the rent would like to offer. Finally an interesting item found, so you will contact directly with the owner and agreed to a period of time, and the conditions such as rental or rental deposit if it is a rental or rental business. Both located respectively at the discretion of the owner. To pass of the stuff is what saves shipping costs and last but not least the personal, promotes personal relationships among members.